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Dec. 30, 2020

Set goals and live for you 025

Set goals and live for you 025

In 2020 leaders, mentors, institutions, inspirations, and family misled, misinformed, misguided, and failed you. These actions increase the importance of living for you. 2021 is a new year with a new outlook and new goals. Today Keith shares tips, tricks, techniques, and advice from some of the most influential people of this generation. Jim Rohns 5 questions to ask yourself when setting goals. Brian Tracy's use of the Pareto Principle to yield your greatest results. Andy Grove's OKR method, objective and key results unlock excellent execution.  The use of Simon Sineck's golden circle will identify your why and provide you with the reason to keep fighting for your dreams. A powerful Buster Douglas story some Conor McGreggor habits and inspirational advice from Les Brown. Add in Keith's personal advice and you have all the ingredients to make 2021 a great one!

