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Sept. 20, 2023

Capitalize On The Frustration 167

Capitalize On The Frustration 167

Have you ever stared at the mirror, feeling frustrated with your current weight and yearning for a healthier self? That's how our weight loss journey began, and they've been filled with challenges, victories, laughter, and a whole lot of determination. We dish out our battles with portion control, the dreaded weight loss plateau, and our commitment to a gym routine. 

But this podcast isn't just about weight loss; it's about life's ups and downs. Have you ever felt powerless? We discuss those tricky moments where we have to face up to significant changes. 

As we delve deeper into our discussion, we share insights on overcoming obstacles, the importance of self-encouragement, and the power of self-discipline.  We're all about real talks, real experiences, and real laughs. So, come join us, let's share some stories, some struggles, and let's learn together.

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Keith Liberty :

Today on episode 167 of Share, the Shoggle Podcast, we continue the weight loss talks, but this week I am joined by my wife to share that female perspective on the ups and downs. So settle in for a transparent conversation on the ongoing battle to get in shape. Let me tell you something.

Alli Liberty:

Everybody struggles.

Keith Liberty :

The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it. The difference is completely yours. Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life. If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you. You have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations. Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and may build you. When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense. Most disagreements, they, stem from our own insecurities. You are right where you need to be Back on time. We can fight one day Back on time. We can fight one day Back on time. We can fight one day Ooh, ooh, ooh. What do you do? Hot diggity dang him. I'm so excited to be back with you. Episode 167? Oh boy, I can't believe it. Are you over there? You're yawning? Yeah, I'm here. You're yawning, the dog's yawning. That's not the opening I was hoping for. You're in charge of the show today. You're carrying the show today.

Alli Liberty:

Hey y'all. Yeah, I guess it's my turn to spill my guts on this adventure.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, last week we came out hard and fast, man. I laid down the gauntlet the weight loss gauntlet and I expressed the fact that I really didn't want to dive too much into your story, into your journey. I was going to let you do that yourself. You came home from a new exercise class and joined the show and started to spill the tea a little bit. Last week's podcast actually opened up a lot of positive conversation on weight loss. With so many loyal listeners out there, a lot of them wanted to hear a little more of that female perspective. You've been kind enough to come on this week and to join the show and share some of your journey, your struggles, those certain things because the name of the show share the struggle.

Alli Liberty:

This is one struggle.

Keith Liberty :

It's because weight loss is an absolute freaking struggle. Bus is what it is.

Alli Liberty:

Yeah, it's a whole damn bus, a whole train struggle, train, choo choo, choo choo.

Keith Liberty :

That's a struggle. Train for you, choo choo. I kind of like that note I just hit.

Alli Liberty:

Choo, choo. Yeah, that was Choo.

Keith Liberty :

Very nice man I didn't know I possessed that. That must be a new tone that I'm able to hit when I matured into the ripe old age of 41.

Alli Liberty:

Today's your birthday. Happy birthday.

Keith Liberty :

I'm a California raisin, an old wrinkly.

Alli Liberty:

You remember those commercials with the California raisins and he had arms and legs. These guys were hilarious. Oh my God. Yes, Then they used to dress him up.

Keith Liberty :

Jeff Foran is a big collector of the California raisins Did you know that no. The late singer and performer and provider of the theme tracks here for Show the Struggle podcast. Jeff had a vast collection of California raisins.

Alli Liberty:

Isn't that funny, that's hilarious.

Keith Liberty :

I don't know if I was a kid, but not to the degree that Jeff had him. But yeah, today's my birthday.

Alli Liberty:

It is your birthday.

Keith Liberty :

So I want to say big shout out and thank you to each and every one of you that took the time out of your day to make my day special, because I'm actually recording this on said birthday. Mm-hmm 9.19, y'all. And yeah, man, I actually just got done going through and trying to say thank you to every single individual person that said happy birthday on me time line or text messages, phone calls, all those things. I think that really and I'm sure that I've set this bush on fire every year and keep saying this that I think one of the coolest things about social media is the birthday thing, because I think it lets everybody just feel a little bit appreciated. You know what I mean. I know it's not your thing to say happy birthday to people online.

Alli Liberty:

Ugh, I hate it. I mean for the simple fact that hear me out, okay, I cannot stand the fake people that come out of the woodworks just to be like, oh, I saw it on Facebook, happy birthday. I'm like, hmm, thank you, but I'll never hear from you until next year.

Keith Liberty :

I totally understand what you're saying, but I still appreciate the time they took to actually say it.

Alli Liberty:

I'm not saying I don't appreciate it. I am not saying that at all whatsoever. I just think that it is interesting. I know I get it, but I think it's and that's why you always say to me oh, it's someone who's birthday and I'm like, okay, you be like, don't forget to write them something. If I know them well enough, I'm going to text them or send them a personal message or something, or I'm going to put a heartfelt happy birthday on their page, not just happy birthday.

Keith Liberty :

No, I get it. I fully understand that.

Alli Liberty:

Because that's where it comes from, where people feel important and I don't know.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, I mean, I think that you feel a lot. You know you feel important when it's a genuine message right that there's time there. So I appreciate everybody's method, whether it's you know picking up the phone, sending a text, you know a direct message or comment, whatever. I was just stating the fact that social media puts your day on everybody else's timeline, right. So, I mean, you could think about it and go okay, I'm friends with 3,000 people online and you know 50 of them said happy birthday. The other ones saw on their timeline it was my birthday and they didn't give a fuck. So you could think about it that way or you could say man, I'm appreciative of each person that actually took the time. But this makes you feel a little special where typically your timeline on social media is full of bullshit, right or negative shit I should say Two different layers of shit there, of the poo, poo but when it's a positive shit for you, I think it's a good thing. You know what I mean. It just changes it up, makes you feel good, makes you feel special and thought I think I mean I feel a little special. Maybe you don't, I don't know whatever.

Alli Liberty:

So I told my co-worker today that I am emotionally constipated. She asked me what does that mean? And I said I ain't given a shit in days.

Keith Liberty :

I believe that Emotionally constipated.

Alli Liberty:

I like it. That's hilarious. I think it's pretty good that is hilarious.

Keith Liberty :

I think it's pretty good. Emotionally constipated, you haven't given a shit in days. You probably directed that at your co-worker about your husband. What I would say I believe the fifth. I believe that too. Send it to your work wife, Anyways all things aside, I already did.

Alli Liberty:

I'm just waiting for a response.

Keith Liberty :

All things aside, thank you to everybody that took the time out of their day to say happy birthday. I appreciate you Makes a dude feel special, and that's because of each and every one of you and because I care about you.

Alli Liberty:

So thank you.

Keith Liberty :

So one of the special sweet treats for me for you know, 241 is I'm going to take a back seat today.

Alli Liberty:

No, you're not.

Keith Liberty :

Yes, this is part of my birthday gift. You're running the show. I'm going to sit back here and enjoy myself. I'm sitting back here and pleasure myself.

Alli Liberty:

That's weird With the sound of your voice.

Keith Liberty :

It's a pleasurable. That's something sexual.

Alli Liberty:

You just tell me that I have a face for a radio.

Keith Liberty :

This is nothing sexual. This is completely about the listening pleasure of the podcast. I think you should maybe get some of that sexualness out of your mind. I'm not a piece of 41 year old meat over here. You know what I'm saying Aged meat over here, usda brine over here I have feelings over here.

Alli Liberty:

Meat doesn't have any feelings it's a dead.

Keith Liberty :

Exactly, I'm not a piece of meat. I have feelings. That's what I'm trying to say to you, oh boy.

Alli Liberty:

I'm not you. I can't take over the show and be as good as you. Your ratings are going to go.

Keith Liberty :

You're going to do. Most of the talking is what I'm getting at, but we've been rambling on here. There's a couple of married hens over here.

Alli Liberty:

People love it.

Keith Liberty :

I don't know if they do.

Alli Liberty:

Then just delete the whole thing.

Keith Liberty :

Wow, you know what? This is how. This is how things escalate very quickly in our household.

Alli Liberty:

In the words of you we just went from zero to psycho real quick. That's literally what happens. That's what you say, it's bicker and bullshit.

Keith Liberty :

It's for the birds. Put the dogs to sleep over here, oh boy. So actually I got a message from Jen Barnes today and asked me if we were doing anything good for my birthday. I said, yeah, you know, maybe go to a town meeting, and I'm not kidding. So then she's like this is why you should run for president. This is why this totally makes sense. So we were almost going to go to a town meeting today. There's been a lot of town drama. We're going to save that for another episode.

Alli Liberty:

Oh, because you'll need a pen and a piece of paper.

Keith Liberty :

We're going to need a full one, then I'm probably going to have to take oath plead the fifth swear to secrecy and testify in court. So all those things all above could happen. So I'm going to save that juiciness for another show. But there was supposed to be, or there was, a town meeting tonight about this big ass development that's going to be coming into our dead end road and we were previously discussing with some fellow neighbors about going to this meeting and if we should go and that whole chest not. So up until probably 45 minutes before the meeting happened tonight we were planning on going, but we got some wise advice from a member of the board there. I'm not going to. You know, put out there a position or a title so that it you know not to incriminate anybody. He's just a big cheese, that's what a big cheese had expressed some feelings on something that made its way down to us, and his statement was you guys, three things you guys are more than welcome to go to the meeting and to hear everything that's going on, but I'm going to tell you this you take those things, you shoot them go.

Alli Liberty:

They have the land, they have the money. You're fucked.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, and I think you added the third one. I don't believe he, I don't believe he used that.

Alli Liberty:

I wasn't there, so in my mind that's what he said you took the no pun intended liberty to add that third point in there.

Keith Liberty :

But he had some wise advice that hey, they have the land, they have the money, they can do whatever the fuck they want. Yeah, so what has been inspiring of this? Because most people would hear that and say, oh well, I mean, that's a little demoralizing there, but I guess you ain't going to have to go to that meeting which we didn't.

Alli Liberty:

We didn't go to the meeting. We enjoyed Chinese food.

Keith Liberty :

instead, we did, which is not the best way to start off this diet topic.

Alli Liberty:

It was. It's on the diet. It's rice and chicken.

Keith Liberty :

No, okay, rice is not actually on my diet and deep fried battered chicken isn't either, but it was my birthday, anyone here so we made an exception, but you're taking me off topic. This is the problem.

Alli Liberty:

Anyone here will say that birthday calories do not count.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah Well, they feel like they count because I feel pregnant. I got to, I got to. I can't even say it on the air how I feel. I can't say it, I'm going to hear it.

Alli Liberty:

I can't feel.

Keith Liberty :

No, no, I can't. I can't say it because I'll get profiled to what I'm about to say so I can't say it. Okay. But getting back on topic, here is the inspiration that we have found from this conversation that we have heard trickle down through the town is that it's a motivator for us to achieve a certain level in life where we can then go to the town and say you know what bitch, I got enough land and I got enough money.

Alli Liberty:

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. What we're going to do is we have the land.

Keith Liberty :

We had the money.

Alli Liberty:

Y'all are fucked. Yeah, yeah, that's where the third point came in, you had it back there Because we're going to build a wall.

Keith Liberty :

We ought to build on the wall. I'm not putting it out there.

Alli Liberty:

The whole 10 acres we are building the wall.

Keith Liberty :

I've been wanting this for years.

Alli Liberty:

I want my horse to just roam free. Yes, everybody roam free.

Keith Liberty :

Yes. So yeah, I said donkey, I know You've been sliding that thing in all day.

Alli Liberty:

So here's the, here's the thing. You've been sliding your donkey in things all day. I'm planning on it, it's my birthday.

Keith Liberty :

So here's the thing, here is the thing, everybody, always asks hey if you won the lottery, what would you do? Would you go to work, build?

Alli Liberty:

a wall.

Keith Liberty :

That's my answer. I'm going to build the fucking wall. And they say what are you talking about, young sir?

Alli Liberty:

I'm going to buy half of Proctor Road and build a wall.

Keith Liberty :

I am building the wall. All I want to do is to build the Trump wall around our property life.

Alli Liberty:

That's it. That's it.

Keith Liberty :

Nothing crazy, I don't want to deal with neighbors. I don't want the risk of some neighbors fucking fire explosion to happen.

Alli Liberty:

It's none of your business. I don't need my neighbors to see shit.

Keith Liberty :

Unless you can forward a fucking helicopter to cruise over the top of my land, you don't need to know what's going on in my land. I'm building the wall. If we get to the point in life where we can walk in and say, I got the money, I got the land, the wall is next. You know what I mean.

Alli Liberty:

I mean we do live next to I'm not going to say left, right, up or down, because you always tell me I'm wrong but we do live near the airport, so everybody's quiet bias.

Keith Liberty :

You want to get a peek? You dare fly over the wall. You might see my pecker out there walking around because I want to do whatever the fuck I want to do behind my wall. Not only your pecker, but spirit just hangs around with this pecker out, but it's just one of those things where we would never meet, I'm sure someone of you all at the illicit right now. Just close your eyes and think about having that wall at your house. Neighbors be gone, drama be gone. Trauma be gone.

Alli Liberty:

You know what I'm saying. I just picture this big black brick wall, like every time you talk about it.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, maybe, but I might. I mean, if I have that kind of money, I could have somebody just paint a mural on that motherfucker to look like trees, but I probably just Steve.

Alli Liberty:

I have violet down here and I'd make it an American flag?

Keith Liberty :

10 acre fucking wall. Can you imagine how much I would piss people off that if you drive by all you see is a 10 acre American?

Alli Liberty:

flag should be out on the front on the roadway to middle fingers, yeah, my gate will close It'll be like a Zag build us to middle.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, Well, what we'll do is the middle of the gate. The actual middle, when it comes together, will be the middle finger. So then on one side you'd have, like the pointer and the thumb and then on the other side you'd have like the pinky and the ring and when you close the gate. Bingo, big old middle finger.

Alli Liberty:

Yeah, that's great.

Keith Liberty :

I think that's beautiful.

Alli Liberty:

That sounds majestic.

Keith Liberty :

That's our goal, america. We want to make enough money to eventually walk into a town hall and say In your words. Wise man from this fucking office once told me If you got enough money and you got enough land, you can do what a fuck you want to do.

Alli Liberty:

That's right. That's right. How do?

Keith Liberty :

you do, gotcha. I was waiting for you to chime in on that, gotcha.

Alli Liberty:

You're doing a great job. Keep it up, come on.

Keith Liberty :

Loud Proud American is a lifestyle brand, dedicated and determined to represent the American spirit, with an unrelenting commitment to provide made in the USA products. If you would like to join the 2% of Americans that buy American and support American, head on over to wwwloudproudamericanshop. Together, we can bring back American manufacturing. All right, all right, all right.

Alli Liberty:

Okay, so let's get down to business, but before we do, we have some important information to spill with y'all.

Keith Liberty :

What's the sound of like the newsletter?

Alli Liberty:

That's right, that's right.

Keith Liberty :

All right. Well, I was doing the sound, so coming to you live. Yeah, that'll work.

Alli Liberty:

September 15th. That's enough.

Keith Liberty :

Well, I was fine. I had a fucking rhythm there.

Alli Liberty:

And again, september 15th, I became an auntie. You did. She's officially here and I am over the moon ecstatic about how absolutely perfect Camilla Parker is Phenomenal. Oh, she's so beautiful and they're finally home.

Keith Liberty :

Now, you're done watching dogs and feeding cats and throwing birthday parties.

Alli Liberty:

Those are my, those are, my niece is, and nephews too, but they're four-legged.

Keith Liberty :


Alli Liberty:

So yes, for now, for now, but um yep. So just giving a shout out to Zach and Danielle for welcoming their most absolutely perfect, precious little baby girl. They're home now. Everyone's settling in.

Keith Liberty :

You're going to get a kick out of this. I got a text from brother this morning and said uh, happy birthday from the three of us.

Alli Liberty:

I love that.

Keith Liberty :

Family's growing.

Alli Liberty:

It's very true, this is your first.

Keith Liberty :

This is the first trip around as being an aunt. My family's fucked up right, my family's kind of kind of silly because, um, everybody's way older than me. My oldest brother was 18 years older than me before you know he passed on, but the youngest one in my family other than me was 10 years older than me, so I was an uncle at like seven or something stupid. You know what.

Alli Liberty:

I mean. So it's different for me. I have, like friends, kids who like look at me as an aunt or something. Yeah, that's different, and like like your niece and nephew, like look at me as an aunt, but I've never been like called auntie, like it's never been like. You know what I mean.

Keith Liberty :

They well, I mean, since it's like a day one, like we got our day one listeners out there which fingers up, but there's you're, you're a day one up, like you know what I mean, this is official, yes exactly so, um, Zach, my brother, um, had his, welcomed his first, um child, his baby girl.

Alli Liberty:

And so, yes, I am officially an auntie and I am ecstatic, Like it's just. Everyone always says like being an auntie is just, like it's phenomenal, and I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for like to see what they meant, and I just I I cannot bottle it up Like- I I text my brother all the time and I'm like, please send me pictures, like I can't get over, and she just looks like a little baby doll. Oh my gosh, just want to squeeze her cheeks.

Keith Liberty :

Don't do that. She will probably. I will not do that. She doesn't want to do that.

Alli Liberty:

I love her so much. I just have so much unconditional love. And people always talk about that, like when you have a child, like like you already love your partner and you love your family and stuff. But it's such a different type of love that like I didn't even know that I had inside of my body, like I was like you know what I mean. Like it's just I don't know, it's weird, I, I don't know.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, I mean it's, it's um, it's different, right, because I can imagine experiencing it for the first time at 30. You know what I mean. Like it's a whole, because you have a whole different perspective on life and you know the meanings behind things and and the trials and tribulations and lessons in life. So you just look at things totally different, you know like um, like you said, other like nieces and nephews, like obviously you have my nieces and nephews and um, but you inherit that right, you know what I mean.

Alli Liberty:

You're not there to like raise that, so it's a whole different. It's a whole different thing, so I'm happy for you, I mean even with your niece and nephew, like I've been around for 10 years or so, but never once have they. I think they've wrote in a hard like Auntie Alley or something, but never actually called me that or anything like that. So like it's brand new. You know what I mean. Like it's different. I mean they look at me as not, like I'm not downplaying that at all. But um, and then, like my friend's kids is, look at me as like a knot, but that's different. I don't know.

Keith Liberty :

But more of the story is big old shout out. She's here, congratulations, and mom is healthy, yeah.

Alli Liberty:

Mom is healthy, and that is huge. Baby's healthy, everyone's home settling in um just finding their routine and figuring out what works with them and um, so yeah. I can't wait to form memories and form a bond and just watch her grow Like that's. Holidays are going to be so much fun because there's going to be a little baby around. I mean, this year we'll just be. She's not going to know any different. But, like, from here on out is going to be different.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, for sure I miss the days of having young ins running around for holidays and stuff.

Alli Liberty:

You know what I mean.

Keith Liberty :

Like I remember that with my niece and nephew when they were, when they were little, there was obviously a lot more, uh, special moments and memories. That comes with the holidays and those little ones around and we talk about all the time, about those things in life where those traditions, in life you know and those those you know, big family get together, stuff like that. That. All those things that you know have gone away because, like a grandparents moved on, and things like that.

Alli Liberty:

And I remember my grandparents used to always say, like Christmas and the holidays are for the kids, and you never realized like what that actually means For the kids. So you know, right, you don't realize that until, like, there are no little kids around.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah Well, you act like one on the holidays. Rude, and it's true.

Alli Liberty:

No, I don't.

Keith Liberty :

Don't give me that shit.

Alli Liberty:

I do not. Yeah, okay, all of the holidays.

Keith Liberty :

See, there you go. Well, that's the point.

Alli Liberty:

I mean, that's not my fault.

Keith Liberty :

Big old, big old congrats and best wishes and good luck. And you know you've got a tribe of podcast listeners that are here pulling for you and supporting you and we're proud of you.

Alli Liberty:

Absolutely. They have such a big support group behind them. So they're going to. They're going to do good. Yeah, they're going to do great. They're going to do great, for sure.

Keith Liberty :

Speaking of doing great. We're going to turn this thing over and we're going to start that's procrastinating, I noticed and we're going to start talking a little bit about your journey, because I know there's one thing that and I mentioned it last week on the show is that everybody's different in their weight loss. Right, everybody's different and the two of us are definitely different. And it's also one of those things where, like I've heard from a lot of people over the past week between this episode that have said, like you know, either been shocked by the amount of weight that I've lost and have, like you know, tried to pound me for information, which is great, or have shared mutual weight loss in the same areas Me are greater than me, you know, because I'm not some, you know, majestic creature over here. But what I try to stress to everybody is, like everybody's different man, and one of the things is is, when you come with the frame that I have, there's a lot more weight to move, there's a lot more weight to lose. So, like, one of the challenges for the two of us is, if we go to a weigh in and we're on this journey together and we share the results, so we come back and if you've lost three pounds or five pounds, and then you're checking with me and you're like, how much weight did you lose? And I'm like, oh, 15 pounds or 12 pounds this week, and you're like, what the fuck? There's a discouraging moment that happens there. But this message is really like been the message we've been trying to echo all week is that everybody's different and and one pound to some is 10 and 15 to others Like at the size that I'm at, obviously I'm going to lose more weight and I have more more to lose. But I just really want to encourage the people that are out there, because I feel like some people get discouraged by by numbers, you know, and that's not really what it's about and I know that's really where you wanted to come in this week.

Alli Liberty:

Yeah, I mean I'll just get the elephant out of the room right now and we're going to be saying elephant.

Keith Liberty :

We're talking about weightless fat joke scenario.

Alli Liberty:

Exactly why I said that.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, good, good, you would call me names on my birthday.

Alli Liberty:

no, I'm gonna drop a number and let everyone know that I started this weight loss journey and I was a hundred and eighty pounds and that's the heaviest I've ever been in my entire life like entire life and I didn't feel Go to buy myself. I didn't feel none of my clothes fit. I didn't feel healthy. Everything I ate just didn't, wouldn't sit well. I just I don't know got to a point where I was like you know what? This isn't working, this doesn't feel good. Something needs to change and, like you said in the last podcast, we talked about getting healthier, making healthier choices, and every, every year, we always go through this like up and down, like alright, we're gonna change what we eat, we're gonna do this. We never do anything else it's just try the same thing, get almost the same result exactly so, as you know from your last episode, I took it upon myself, number one to go to the gym the local ymca and sign up immediately, when I had the urge to sign up like true I was like alright, you know what I don't like the way my clothes fit. I don't feel healthy. I don't feel beautiful in my own skin. Something needs to change. We're doing this now and, yep, it was the end of the year. Just like everybody else in the universe does the lot like january. First we're gonna join the gym, and but I was like I think there's there's a good lesson there.

Keith Liberty :

like the way you're putting it to is like Capitalize on the frustration absolutely right, if you just capitalize on the frustration. When you find yourself in that moment where you're like you had enough, you're feeling fed up, make that, make that leap then, because if you have that time to you know, let that that frustration pass. You don't capitalize on that moment.

Alli Liberty:

Then you find yourself making excuses again the next day yeah, and so it was just like a simple like gotten the car, drove there, filled out. The application boom were.

Keith Liberty :

Members came home with the tag and it was a surprise to me because I didn't know that was like. Here you go. I signed this up. Is what we're doing?

Alli Liberty:

It was like I'm just doing it, like I'm not even. If you don't want to go, that's fine, I'm going.

Keith Liberty :

But we had talked that out.

Alli Liberty:

Maybe we didn't sign up right right, and so it was just a simple like we're doing this and so I mean we've been. We were working out for a little bit, but neither one of us were seeing any results. Like I didn't feel like I was losing anything. The scale wasn't changing to me I was going to these classes.

Keith Liberty :

I felt stronger, you know, I mean but. I still didn't like the way like, I mean, I could feel I was gaining muscle I feel that, but I was also like. I still gotta come up for air when I time I choose, so this really isn't working but for me, I wasn't seeing any changes.

Alli Liberty:

So, like I, when I go to the gym, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I don't know anything about any of the equipment and that's why, like when you were doing arms or shoulders or something, I was like, show me, like, pick a routine for me and like, do it for. Like, show me what to do, because I don't know what to do with any of these, any of this equipment. Sure, this pictures and stuff. But like I am so out of my comfort zone that I don't know what to do. Like I can watch someone else do it and then be like, oh, I probably can figure that out, like I'm not an idiot, but it's like I don't know what muscle it's working. Like you'd be like, oh, we're gonna do shoulders today and I go over to a machine, you're like no, that's biceps right. Like I have no idea what I'm doing. I would find myself constantly using the same machine, so like the elliptical, the treadmill on the stairs stepper, the ab machine, maybe the, the leg press, like those sort of things, because they were comfortable for me, right. And then after being at my at the gym for a little while, I realized that they were doing like a cardio kickboxing and they were doing Like all over body workout but spin class kind of added with it, like it was Something that I felt like my body needed other than just going to the gym because I wasn't getting any results. And then, after doing that for a little bit, I just felt like again I wasn't Getting anywhere and I was like something needs to change. Like we're constantly going to the gym, we're not necessarily eating like the worst things, but we're not even the best things like I'm going to the gym to eat what. I'm going home to have dinner, like what I'm gonna eat at dinner, like so I'm basically just like plateauing and so I'm like, alright, this isn't working. And then we were watching Seven little johnson yeah, like literally. I was just sitting in the amber yeah, and he started talking about like the metabolic testing and all this kind of stuff and I was like, okay, I don't know where that is. I obviously there in like nashville or atlanta something like that not here, and so I was like alright, this, I'm gonna find something like this, and sure as shit sugar, sure, sugar, sure it sure, sure, sure shit, whatever you want to call it. An article pops up with a company called mediate loss On my timeline and a co-worker of mine had mentioned something, something about this company like a couple days before that or whatever, and it's so creepy. How, like when somebody Talks about it and then all of a sudden, like pops up on your yeah on your timeline. So I was like, let me see what this is. So I'd a curiosity, and we all know curiosity killed the cat. I put my information in boom phone rings. Answer it hi, this is many weight loss gen yeah yeah, super nice we got. I feel like we formed a friendship with her like from going to this weight loss journey. So she's like, hey, let me, you know, go over our program, see what it's, you know if it's something you're interested in. And she just started explaining it to me and it was like we're gonna put you on a diet. Well, we have, you know, be twelve injections, will give you supplements, but we're not gonna force medication on you, like there's strictly supplements, you know. And then, a few weeks down the road, you'll start working out in this that in the third, basically like forming a plan based on your scale.

Keith Liberty :

More personalized exactly.

Alli Liberty:

And we needed that because you and I are not the same size. You and I do not have the same goal in mind. So when I went there, stepped on the scale, they gave me my body fat index, like they gave me my water weight and all that kind of stuff, and just seeing that number was just like Not, not a fan, not a fan at all. And, of course, like going into it, you know, jen was like well, make sure when you come in for your first appointment you give me like come up with a weight goal, like let me know what you where you would like to be. So up until that appointment I started thinking. I was like at what point in my life did I feel comfortable in my own skin?

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, that's kind of where I was at, to like where was a? Yeah how do I find a number like I Like?

Alli Liberty:

felt confident, I guess exactly, exactly, and I don't I mean obviously like with us doing this journey, like we don't know where that number is gonna. Like we may get to that number and be like you know what I'm not there yet. Like I and that's what Jen said is that you know there's a possibility that will change that number. So I went in there with like a hard set goal that I want to be 150, I want to be 150 and I feel like I would feel comfortable in that and but I don't know, I don't know. And so right now I'm in that, that time Time crunch. I guess it is like I don't really know where it's, like I'm in, I'm stuck losing like the last 10 to 1520 pounds. So I'm just like I'm in this time capsule, like I'm just stuck Right. That's how it feels to me because I'll step on the scale. I religiously, literally step on the scale every day, not part of the problem, and I'll put that out there like that's where it is.

Keith Liberty :

I don't even use the scale unless I go to check in at the weight loss place. So, like by constantly checking, I feel like there's an analysis paralysis that kicks in, or then you, just you, will get over consumed by one pound, and that one pound change Up and down throughout the fucking day. Based off of what time you had a BM. Yeah or you know how many, how much fluids you've had.

Alli Liberty:

You know what I mean yeah, I mean I always like start the morning and I say I Way in every day no, you do. I heard a doctor's office, so you do it all time it's not every day, sometimes I forget, but for the most part and it's more like a text and balance for me, because I haven't been to my way in in a little while, because I'm the last couple of way and have not been In my favor, not that I'm not following the diet, not that I'm doing things that are eating things, doing things I'm not supposed to, but I'm not moving on the scale. In the last time that I went in to see the doctor, it like it really bothered me because of the way that he addressed the situation. He addressed the situation and said well, why can your husband do it? But you can? Well, I mean, let's talk about it like the fact that my husband has more weight to lose than I do. Number one. Number two he started asking me if I was eating things I'm not supposed to know. I'm not, but what I will tell you that I'm doing is, when you're on the road, I'm not eating. Right that alone is bad, but I don't like to eat alone. I don't like to do things alone, so I won't eat. Like I mean I'll eat if I have to, but I won't eat. So like I'm staying Right at the same weight no matter what, like it had been two weeks since I had gone into the into the way and and my weight was exactly the same, if not off by a half pound right under To me two weeks, going two weeks and staying the same way, I don't care who you are. That's, that's success for me. I didn't go up at all, so that I'll take. I'll take any day. So I simply just made the decision on my own. I was like, listen, you know what, I'm not going to go back until I know that this, until I start going to the gym Religiously and I start working on myself other than just the diet, because we're going by the diet. It's not even a diet at this point, it's just a lifestyle change. Like we, we just don't grab for the sweets, we don't grab for the things that are not good for us. You know, we've swapped things out. So it's a lifestyle change at this point. But right now, like going to this weight loss program, I want to see the numbers change. I do, I want to be at my goal weight. But right now I'm just plateaued, like I'm just stuck where I'm at and I think that these new classes, this new booty boot camp and this new yoga class that I've joined Booty boot camp is on Mondays and Tuesdays and it is hard, intense workout like and I think it's what you need to kind of change it to kick it in gear, right, I mean if you go back to the beginning of this and you talk about the gym, like I experienced some weight loss, found like I was gaining some strength when I plateaued, nothing was changing.

Keith Liberty :

That's when we started the you know the diet routine and then I've lost, you know, a good amount of weight. But I'm also now I'm at that point where, like I plateaued, I'm not losing weight anymore, I'm just kind of maintaining it, which is good. But when you're on the road at a fair, like I I haven't gone up, but I feel like I am, you know what I mean, and it's at that point where, like, I have one real road trip left and then I can start going to the gym with you, and then I think that Makes a difference. Do you have to kind of like shock the system?

Alli Liberty:

and I think that's kind of where you're at is yeah, you know and that's what the doctor had said is that you know, based on how long this plateau like happens, you may need to shock the system and go back to week one and, if you remember, week one is Absolutely nothing. We did week one straight. How many I?

Keith Liberty :

think we ended up being three weeks in a row because they laughed at us the first time because we Didn't do the diet correctly.

Alli Liberty:

But and I'm just I don't. I don't want to do that. I want to do this in my own way, shape or form, and I want to. I want to start working out more and that's why I joined this gym that I've never been to before and I'm going to tell you right now. On Tuesday, when I came on here and and told you guys how amazing that class was it's still to this day was a such a good workout that I wanted to go today, but it was canceled.

Keith Liberty :

Like you're gonna bail on my birthday to go for the workout which I was cool with, but they can't stand on they canceled it and I was like all right, my stars are aligning.

Alli Liberty:

so like next week I will go on Monday and Tuesday. So it's all over body on Monday and legs on Tuesday, y'all I'm going to tell you right now it is Tuesday of a whole entire week. I could not walk straight for for the entire week.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, no, you were. Oh, my god, it was. You were in limp mode, that's for sure.

Alli Liberty:

And I'm not mad about it. I'm not mad about it one bit. It was such a good workout that April the coach kicked my ass like so bad. But I wasn't mad about it, like I was like that's what my body needs. That right, there is exactly what I need in my life. Even for a little bit Like and it was a small class the girls were genuine, Everyone's there for the same reason. The trainer was working out with us the entire time like it was just it was a different vibe, but everyone was there to kick their own ass.

Keith Liberty :


Alli Liberty:

And I loved it and I was like you know what. So Monday, tuesdays, I'm going to do that, thursdays I'm going to do yoga and just see where I can go, like, see if I can get that scale to change in some way, shape or form, and feel better about myself before I go to my next weigh-in.

Keith Liberty :

I mean you've made gains like you dropped over 10 pounds already. Yeah, I think right now I'm at 11 or 12 pounds, yeah, so you've definitely made gains there, like you said you're at that point now where you're just kind of leveling off and that just means you just have to spike it and do something different.

Alli Liberty:


Keith Liberty :

And I think we all get to that point. I don't, you can. I feel like one thing that I've learned through the years, and it's not necessarily just on this journey that we're on now. I mean, it's hard to imagine, but I used to run a health club, but one of the things that I that I realized is you can only get so far with one direction, like you can only go so far on just diet, you can only go so far on just exercise. The key to unlocking the best version of you is to take both right To do two. So it takes diet and exercise to get there and we've kind of staggered in between doing one or the other. So, when you put the two of those together. That's that's kind of the key, and I think that's where you're at and making that commitment now. So you know I'm proud of you for doing that and I know that's this is when you're going to start seeing the difference for sure.

Alli Liberty:

That's what I'm hoping for, because I mean, right now I'm at that point where I'm just like, is it worth it? 100%? That's worth it Absolutely. I'm not saying that. But you just get to that point where you like step on the scale or you go to that doctor's appointment and they're like, oh, you've only lost one pound, and they start like breaking it down for you and they start asking you like almost like belittling you, like, are you eating things you're not supposed to? Are you following the diet? Are you working out? Like, yes, yeah, yes, I'm doing all the things. Have I cut back on my water? Sure, cause I'm supposed to drink 80 ounces of water.

Keith Liberty :

I'm like, I'm 160. Yeah, and.

Alli Liberty:


Keith Liberty :

it's half of your body weight, is what they say I think what happened to both of us is we've been on this for so long that I've kind of gotten tired of counting and I feel like in the beginning we were more successful with things because it was like we were writing down every cup of water we had like. How? Many ounces, and then we were also writing down and counting, like you know, every calorie and every like they're. You know their random way of figuring out like a protein calorie and all these things still doesn't, but but it worked Right.

Alli Liberty:


Keith Liberty :

It worked. But I got to the point now I didn't even realize it where I'm just like, yeah, I stopped counting and maybe that's kind of leveled off for me because I've done that. But you know, I managed to lose the weight that I've lost on this program. But you kind of get to the point where you're like okay, I feel like that's probably enough. You're going to mean like your portions?

Alli Liberty:

come out of it. Yeah, I mean our portions have definitely changed when it comes to this, like normally, like if we have dinner, like you know, you might have an extra side or you may have, um, you know, a little bit extra meat or something, but now it's just like all right, I'm full, like I'm good. You know what I mean. Yeah, and so I mean that has definitely changed for us and you know when I'll go back to like for my, for my brother. I went and met them at the hospital and I wanted to bring them a basket and it was just like it was just snacks and goodies and stuff like that. And while I was buying those things, I'm in the snack aisle and I mean I could have just fell into temptation and just like bought things for myself like, oh, that looks good, I like those Twizzlers, I'm going to eat those. Um, you know, my brother asked for one thing and one thing only, and that was fudge rounds. And I could have easily just been like, yeah, I'm going to bust that box open.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, I'm going to be short, one buddy. But what about you?

Alli Liberty:

But I didn't because I was like you know what? That's not on the diet plan. I want to stick to this. I'm dedicated to sticking to this and it's. It's one of those things where it's like all right if. If we're going to cheat on the diet, it's going to be like both of us. Both of us are committed to cheating on the diet, like today for Chinese food, like we both were committed. It was your birthday, that's what you wanted, we both. Well, it's one of those things too.

Keith Liberty :

Like, just to kind of like interject here is whenever I've been on a diet, my key to success has always been I'm going to factor in a cheat day here and there. Um, like you can do it once a week or once every other week. Um, just to kind of keep yourself sane and to keep you from always giving into temptations. I think what happens is, when you're craving something, you're craving that, that, that sweet treat, or whatever it is. Yeah, or that ice cream or whatever. Or if you are on a Tuesday and you say no, I scheduled Sunday as my cheat day. I'm going to have that. Then you can look forward to that for Sunday and it'll help get you through Tuesday. Exactly so that's like the way that we've we've done it.

Alli Liberty:

Um we haven't.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, I haven't cheated on this diet at all, and I factored in a slice of pizza from sunflower pizza.

Alli Liberty:

When we go to the Fryberg fair, um couple of weeks, and so we're talking months that we've been with that as a goal right.

Keith Liberty :

And only the reason why anything changed for today was because we were just talking about doing something for, you know, for a birthday meal, and so we settled in on on Chinese for a birthday meal. But one of the things about it is and the difference is we put leftovers in the fridge. I don't usually have Chinese leftovers, Like I polish it off. I couldn't finish my meal and we put leftovers in the fridge and, um, we used to order like triple Chinese, so there would be leftovers.

Alli Liberty:

You know what I'm saying. Like, it's not like.

Keith Liberty :

And we just ordered a meal and there was leftovers, but I've noticed that, like when we have to order something or try to make the best decision we possibly can while at a fair, we will order a portion that we would have normally had on our own and split it, that's a big difference. That is a big difference. We talk about all the time Like you know, like we might have some chicken or something and be like I would have had one of these all by myself, and I would have had it with french fries, and I would have had it with this and that, and instead we have no fries, no nothing, just that main dish, and then we're splitting it. That never happened before.

Alli Liberty:

Right, no, Because I mean like we'll get like a piece of haddock and some chicken tenders or something and that's just like that's lunch for both of us. But normally that would be like your meal and mine kind of thing.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, right, yeah. So I think portions is definitely a big part of it and I feel like we're getting better at the portions side of it, and then also like the feeling of if you make the bad decision, like I feel like absolute hell right now after having Chinese food and just trying to get through this episode. So you know, it's those things like that. When we start stacking up good choice after good choice, your body lets you know when you haven't made a good choice, and I think that's an accomplishment, right, because I think that you know, that just makes you realize that how those things make you feel and that you don't need those things. One of the interesting concepts that we're heading down a road is drinking, whether we're just going to give up drinking or not, because it literally kicks to ever love in hell out of us to drink. And you know like, when I'm on the road for fairies, I might have a couple nights when we get together, you know like, with Matt and Sarah or something, and have a few, a few tonics, a few adult bevvies and a smaller amount of alcohol. Like I was joking with Matt at the last fair where I said, man, I usually drink more beers than this on a walk to your camper. And you know, and here I am feeling like shit the next day.

Alli Liberty:

So we wake up the next morning like we just had, like a frat party. Oh my god, All night like straight liquor.

Keith Liberty :

I don't want to lose my superhuman powers because I have them, I possess them. I have an elite skill set and I'm not ready to give all those tools and assets away.

Alli Liberty:

but you all remember the story from Texas. We drank those boys under the table.

Keith Liberty :

But right now it's one of those.

Alli Liberty:

They still don't even know who them kids from there. Yeah, we'll live on in folklore forever. They were like that was never happened.

Keith Liberty :

That didn't happen, Grandpa, those people didn't exist. But yeah, so just you know, one of those curious, curious little things that I'm dealing with on the diet scenario here. But so, yeah, I'm proud of you for you know, staying in a course and then finding ways to challenge yourself and elevate yourself, to do something different, because I know that it's frustrating. As much as we both are on the same journey, as much as we both want to do things together, it's frustrating to have, like number one, a medical professional try to compare our numbers and then yeah, that was annoying, you know, but then have you remain focused on it, because it's very easy to defeat yourself over those things, but you have to remember like I could lose you in weight and I would still be a fully functioning human. You know what I mean.

Alli Liberty:

So yeah, I think the hard part for me is the fact that, like when you and I got together, when, like 10 years ago, I don't blame me, no, I'm not.

Keith Liberty :

No, you're not, no, I'm not.

Alli Liberty:

I'm just saying like for me, like let's just put this into perspective. Okay, this is a hard pill for me to swallow, but I'm just going to throw it out there. And this is. This is me just being vulnerable. When you and I got together 10 years ago, I was 110 pounds, so can wet in the winter.

Keith Liberty :

That's such a weird thing. Why does everybody say that that's everybody's? Is that a New England thing or just the main thing? I was just much in soaking wet in the winter time. Well, first off, grandpa, why the fuck are you soaking wet in the winter time and you wearing clothes and you naked? Did you get out of the shower? Because if it's the shower, that you just get out of the shower and you're soaking wet, I don't care if it's the winter time or I don't care if it's the summertime, you're going to wear the same, and they both sound refreshing if you're inside coming out of the shower. If you're outside in the winter time and you're wearing a fucking ski suit and you're soaking wet and you're frozen, there's an issue we can talk about. Then you're heavy. Is that what we're getting at? Yes, so you were soaking wet with a ski suit on and frozen on the winter time 110 pounds.

Alli Liberty:

Soaking wet in the winter. I'm heavy, I'm dense 110 pounds. That's okay, so anyway, before you just went on a tear. So here's a hard pill for me to swallow At my heaviest, 10 years later, I was 180 pounds. I gained 70 pounds in 10 years. That is to me disgusting.

Keith Liberty :

I hear you.

Alli Liberty:

It's gross. It's not anything that I want to say about myself out to the universe. It's not. It's not cute For me. It makes me feel grubby, Like when I pulled up my fit the app to see where, because we started this weight loss journey before we actually stepped on the scale at the fitness center.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, we started this.

Alli Liberty:

So I checked my fit bit to see like, all right, when I went to the gym and I started, where was I at? And I was at 180 pounds because my fit bit, I weigh in on my fit bit before I even started any of this. And so I was 180 pounds and to me, I think back at that and I'm like, ooh, I did not. I feel I felt fat.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, and let's just put something out there, because I don't want anybody listening to hear like numbers and then feel like we're calling anybody fat or no, this is me, this is my stats only. But it's also like and I don't want anybody to like contrast, to compare their, whether it's weight loss or current weight or whatever it is. It's just all on how you feel on your frame Right Exactly 100%. Because I mean, if I was 180 on my frame I'd snap in half Okay. But, everybody's, everybody's different man. I don't want people to beat themselves up because you know like if I'm in my tent at at like selling stuff when I say tent and someone comes in and goes where's the fat sizes? And they look at me and I say well, what size you're looking for? And they tell me extra fat I need an extra large. I want to punch them in the fucking face.

Alli Liberty:

Because I was an extra large and fucking.

Keith Liberty :

Elementary school I was a kindergartner wearing a man's XL. I don't want to fucking hear it. So everybody's different. Everybody's built different. Everybody built beautiful. I just want to put that out there. So, these numbers, it's not about anybody getting hung up on what, what the number to be hung up on is the difference in the two and how that makes you feel. So if that number was 110 to 180, the 70 is what makes you feel different, is what makes you not feel you so. That's. That's what we're talking about here, people. I just I just want to put that out there. I don't want anybody because I know what it's like to to you know, just compare and contrast numbers and to feel fat, change and things like that. I grew up my whole life big bone. I've been battling my weight my whole life. I've been called fat and all kinds of things from all which ways of Sunday my entire life. I don't want anybody listening to think anything negative. I just want to put that out there.

Alli Liberty:

No, these are just my stats. These are just how I feel personally about my. You asked about my journey. Yeah, no, I get that.

Keith Liberty :

I just want to make sure that there's a, that there's, there's a like a parental advisory. You know like I'm just putting this thing out there because I know how that feels. You know what I mean and and you do too. I. Just, we both know there's some of us listening and they were like oh man, I, I, I weigh, you know, 170, and I feel great. And then I hear this lady on the radio telling me that 170, 180, and she feels awful, it's, it's different for everybody.

Alli Liberty:

And if everybody's frame is different. I just wanted to put that I've also built like a potato.

Keith Liberty :

Like a spud Mackenzie.

Alli Liberty:


Keith Liberty :

Good Lord.

Alli Liberty:

I am built like a potato. I'm a potato.

Keith Liberty :

You have an infatuation of potatoes. That's the. You wish you were a potato.

Alli Liberty:

Potatoes. That's one thing that I miss about this diet is potatoes. Oh my God.

Keith Liberty :

Well, back to Again. You were going to the gym, you checked your Fitbit. You saw that number. That's where we were at.

Alli Liberty:

I didn't mean to derail the motivation, I just didn't feel comfortable my own skin at 180, and that was me, and that's why I went to the, went and signed up and Now I'm starting to feel changes, like I mean it's gotten to the point where something is happening because my clothes fit differently, I I Feel more comfortable in my own skin. People are noticing it. Matt and Sarah said you know, they can see it in my face, which that was like a big thing for me. It's like you know, when you start losing weight, it's like alright, where is it gonna come, Where's it gonna go, Where's it gonna come from?

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, it's also like there's power, and validation, like if you see, something that's great. But, like sometimes as much as we should focus more on what we see and feel we we put too much of weight. My other people's see, people's seen, feel right. So if someone's like, oh man, you've been losing weight back, it's for some reason, I just hits different right.

Alli Liberty:

We just hold on to that a little bit more, it's almost like an encouragement, like okay, because I don't know, I don't remember what the stats are, but there's like a post going around it. It always like floats around at the new year and it's like it takes, you know, eight weeks for you to notice, six weeks for someone else right right whatever the breakdown is, and it's like alright. Well, I've been on this journey for quite some time now, and other people are starting to notice. So something is working, something. So I mean I don't think like I don't have any intentions of giving up at any point. Like I want to hit my goal and Then also, once I hit my goal, like I want to like reevaluate and see, like what, what else? What else is there, you know, like can I keep going down or can I? Can I get to my goal weight and now bulk up? Now I want to gain muscle, now I want to get stronger, and that sort of thing because yeah like we don't have like everything here in our state. We live in Maine, if you're new listening but we don't have Winter hobbies so I'm totally cool with working out is a winter hobby like and then spending my summers doing.

Keith Liberty :

Summer stuff.

Alli Liberty:

Yeah, yeah. So I've just been like really thinking about it, like I am totally cool with like Making fitness my hobby for the winter like and see where it goes. Like do I feel comfortable in my own skin enough next year in the summertime to put on a bathing suit? Do I feel comfortable enough to wear shorts that I'm not worried about them being like super long, almost like Caprice, to cover my legs? You know what I mean. Like yeah, how. Like, what does that do for my body? What does that do for me? Am I confidence if I can dedicate some serious time because I don't have anything really going on in the winter?

Keith Liberty :

That's one of those things, too, that I think one of the frustrating things about, like you know, gaining weight and trying to figure things out or are the little things that happen that we adapt to, that we train our minds to, to think about that. We never had to before like so, and what I mean by that. As you said, to feel comfortable in shorts, to wear a bikini again, don't have to worry about how my legs look Eight years ago or six years ago. You never. You never thought about those things and never would think about those things. So those are some of the things that like they're like these, these crutches and dependencies that we develop for ourselves subconsciously and protect ourselves. Yeah, like when I said to you when you had me go into the gym and I was like men. So far some I've seen myself in the mirror and I don't know how long those are the things that we just I don't, we we train ourselves to do to kind of shelter ourselves, and you don't realize those things until you Start to overcome some of them. But, like you said, a few things a few minutes ago where you know that you're noticing, that you feel a little better about yourself, that you're, you're clothes are fading differently, that you know people are acknowledging things, and those three things are all Superior to the number. Those three things are all more important to whatever number that might be on the scale. So you know, if you're shooting for 20 pounds of weight loss and you might be at 10, but those 10 are making your clothes fit differently, those 10 are making you feel differently than I would take those 10 over the 20, because that's what's important.

Alli Liberty:

You know what I mean? Yeah, for sure.

Keith Liberty :

Good deal. Well, I'm proud of you and I'm also proud of you for Turning the microphone on and being transparent and and being honest and sharing things, because there is power in these messages, there's Strength in the struggle and the things that we share. We've heard from a lot of people over the week. Actually, well, I'm thinking this. I want to give a big old shout out to a brother from another mother. I want to give a shout out to my man, todd Andrews, who We've been chatting about weight loss and my dudes already lost over 60 pounds. So I mean, I don't want to share all his numbers because that's his, that's his journey, but, todd, I'm proud of you. Dude, I know you're still fighting, I know you're still pushing the drop. 60 pounds, man, that's fucking, absolutely amazing. I'm proud of you. Keep on, keep on, keeping on. You know and We've heard from many other people that have you know they've lost five pounds or 10 pounds, but they feel a difference and they're feeling motivated and I know that there is strength in Both of us sharing our struggles about weight loss and how we feel and how we got to where we are and where we're going and not always finding the results we want instantly and sharing those things, because I Know everybody listening. There's got to be a bunch of people that are in this mix today that are like, yeah, man, I'm stuck here or, you know, I don't have the courage to take that leap or I can't see myself going to the gym. And in your words and some of the opening things about Capitalized on that frustration when you find yourself feeling weak, when you're beating yourself up, do it, make that leap, then make that first step right just you know, get in there and, just, you know, sign up for the membership. You know, book a consultation somewhere. You know, start, start doing something, start making those changes, go for that, walk right, start, you know, just making a difference. Last week we talked about little by little, a little becomes a lot and it takes just those those steps and making that difference and I think, with you sharing your story today, that should help somebody out there. Take that step, make that difference.

Alli Liberty:

Absolutely. Yeah, I mean just moving your body. It will definitely help. Like, if you're not, if you go to work every day and you just go to your office, that down at your desk and and don't do anything, but then at lunchtime you take 10, 10 minutes off off of your lunch break to take a lap around the parking lot, just just something. Yeah, get you up, move your body like it will truly help and it is that's what I've started to do. When you know, when I started doing this and I was like I don't know if I can do the gym like I don't right right. I'm uncomfortable but, as we say, like All the time, be comfortable, and having uncomfortable conversations be comfortable in being uncomfortable when it comes to Going to the gym trying something new, jump in with both feet. I literally showed up at the gym the new gym on Tuesday and I was like here I am. I have no idea what I'm walking in on right, no idea it could be a class of 500 people. I have no idea, but guess what? I'm ready, I'm determined. I laced up my shoes and I was like I'm going in.

Keith Liberty :


Alli Liberty:

I'm going in like I was the first one there at the door. The doors were locked when I got there. It was like I'm doing it yeah. I am going for it. And here's the deal in the back of my mind. Actually, let me, let me pause. My brother, when we started this journey, made a very good Statement and it's it stuck with me during this entire time. He says if you don't feel up to it, that's fine. Do yourself the justice, drive to the gym. You made it. Yeah, the likelihood that you're gonna sit in your car or drive away is very unlikely. Mm-hmm, you're gonna go, you're gonna get inside, you're gonna do something. Yeah, if you tell yourself five minutes five minutes on the treadmill.

Keith Liberty :

That five minutes is gonna turn into ten or whatever.

Alli Liberty:

Or maybe it doesn't.

Keith Liberty :

Maybe it is just five minutes, but guess what? That's five minutes you wouldn't done on the couch.

Alli Liberty:

Exactly so. It was very and I've held on to that, saying that my brother had said to me. So that that's exactly what I had done. I I drove to this new gym on Tuesday and I said to myself all right, we're gonna go in. If we're uncomfortable and we need to bail out, we will. It's no big deal and that's a mindset that I have. That's a conversation that I'm having with myself, that I'm not. I'm convinced. All right, you're gonna leave in 30 minutes. The class is an hour. Right you're gonna get through a half an hour and then at that half an hour if you feel that you need to leave, then grab your stuff and go. No one's gonna judge you. They don't know you. I mean, if they do, you're never gonna see him again. Like if you feel that you can't do it, but you're there. When I looked up at the clock to realize what time it was, I had ten minutes left. My class ten minutes.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, because I was so in the zone.

Alli Liberty:

I was so committed but I encouraged myself that I was gonna go there do the class and I had that conversation. I'm gonna do 30 minutes. I mean my Participation was to do the whole thing right, with the understanding that it's okay To stop and listen to your body if enough is enough. You have to listen to your body. It's a huge tool and if you don't listen to it you'll break. Well, absolutely break. So it's the body is is a phenomenal thing. It really is like just listening to your body, knowing when I Don't want these foods anymore, I need to do something different, like just yeah, I mean unfortunately, we only get one right. I mean this is.

Keith Liberty :

This is what we got, so we got to make the best of it and treat it right, and you know. So I'm proud of you and I'm proud of both of us and the. You know the commitments and the sacrifices that we've made, and Nobody's journey is easy. Nobody's story is is smooth, right. We all have ups and downs. We all have struggles. Which you need to learn is that there's there's strength in your struggle and ensuring it with others. If you can be transparent and share your story with somebody else, you can make a difference for somebody, and that's the reason why you know we're here today and that's the reason you know that we randomly put two weeks together and focused on weight loss, because it is it is important, and the more you focus on yourself, and the sooner that you focus on yourself and your health, the sooner you'll start achieving those other Goals in your life that you've been working so hard to see, because when you get your mind right to get your body right, then so many things seem all right and and so many things seem a lot more attainable.

Alli Liberty:

So yeah, I think as soon as we started to get our like life on track when it comes to like weight loss and things, I feel like the whole horizon started, like our star started to online and we started to like Figure our life out a little bit.

Keith Liberty :

Yeah, you know you. Just it puts a positive perspective on things and. I think that, like you, just set your mind in a position that says, all right, I'm taking my shit serious, right, making changes, I'm gonna better myself. And by doing that, I feel like everything else has to kind of line up with it and realize, okay, these motherfuckers are getting serious. Because if there's one thing I know, with enough money and enough land, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Alli Liberty:

And they always say positive in positive out sounds good to me.

Keith Liberty :

Well, dear, I thank you and I appreciate you and all the loyal listeners out there. 167 consecutive freaking weeks, even recording on my birthday, Me birthday, me day of birth didn't we record on my birthday, my actual day? Maybe this is my actual day.

Alli Liberty:

I know that's what I was thinking it's possible could happen Anyway yeah, find all things podcast related Www.

Keith Liberty :

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